Yahoo! Smart Ads see the light of day

Yahoo! Smart Ads see the light of day

CNN segment on Y! Smart Ads
Originally uploaded by Lyndon Wong

In quick succession, the New York Times, NPR’s All Things Considered, the Wall Street Journal, and CNN’s Jim Ledbetter have reported on the recent announcement of Yahoo! Smart Ads.

New York Times reports on Smart Ads, July 2, 2007

This counter-point essay in the NYT Bits Blog lays out the challenge and thus opportunity that Smart Ads present to the advertising industry:

NY Times Bits - Smart Ads Too Smart?

It’s gratifying, and a bit startling, to see this idea to increase the relevance of display advertising so quickly capture the imagination of highly intelligent and articulate observers. There’s no turning back, because we certainly would not wish the alternative on anyone.

Oh, I almost forgot… I’m hiring product marketers dedicated to the Yahoo! Smart Ad initiative — the positions are on LinkedIn, and on
